Austen, Party of Two
Austen, Party of Two
Love, Austen
By: Britney M. Mills
(somewhere in between 3.5-4 stars)
Lexi's focus is on her food truck business, NOT dating. She gets stuck attending a speed dating event to help her friend, and is frustrated when she meets a gorgeous but total jerk of a guy. Then just her luck, she is assigned to coach him through a bake off.
Austen, Party of Two is a lovely easy read that moves fast and will leave you smiling (and maybe hungry for some pastries). Lexi is filled with so much personality and attitude, I LOVE it, as a fellow baker with too much sass sometimes, it was fun to see a character with so much in common. Lexi and Brennen are total opposites and their back and forths were entertaining, realistic, and made many parts into page turners.
I don't know much about Pride and Prejudice (I promise one day I'll read it š¤£š), so I can't comment much on the retelling part, but I did truly enjoy this story and recommend it to anyone wanting a light and fun easy read. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first book, but still well worth the read. It flows well, builds up side relationships more, and isn't overwhelming with events and drama.
If you like baking shows and competitions, food, sweet romance, and quirky but cute food trucks, this is one story you'll adore! Just like your favorite cookie recipe, Austen, Party of Two, has the right amount of everything to make a beautiful book.
My Book Sparks
Light Pink
All You Need is Love: Katy Perry
Where You Can Find This Story
About Britney Mills
Britney Mills is a mother, wife, and former athlete. However, once her kids are asleep and she gets a little time to herself she is an author of wonderful books. She writes that often have sports/athletic undertones to them. They are fun, cute, and can often make you swoon for the wonderful characters.
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